Category Cities

July August 2022 Articles

All from Urban SDK Enhancing Traffic Incident Management through Policymaking How Technology is Accelerating Traffic Incident Management Practices Sustainability and the Challenge of Balancing Competing Needs The Path to Environmental Sustainability The Need for Economic Sustainability and Global Stewardship Creating…

May June 2022 Articles

Digital Twins Used in Urban Planning and Infrastructure — Urban SDK How Digital Twins are Evening the Playing Field in Engineering — Urban SDK Why Digital Twins will Determine the Future of Retail — Urban SDK Revolutionizing the Reasl Estate…

January-February 2022 Articles

Using Mapping Technologies to Tell Data Stories — Urban SDK Using Smart Technology to Rethink Jaywalking and Pedestrian Safety — Urban SDK How Smart City Tourism is Driving Local Economies — Urban SDK The Cost of Congestion — Urban SDK…

November round up!

Since I last posted I’ve been very busy: I wrote about Miyazaki’s Urbanism for Strong Towns Five pieces in The American Conservative: Better Infrastructure, Not More Infrastrucure, about President Biden’s infrastructure plan; Against Master Developers is about, well, master developers; …

How Smart Cities Can Solve Real Problems

Writing in City Observatory, Joe Cortwright recently raised a good point regarding smart cities: so far, their solutions are neither very smart nor very useful. “Color us skeptical:  It’s hard to see how we’ll make better decisions with even bigger…

Tearing down ‘New Hong Kong’ ideas

As China cracked down progressively more on Hong Kong this summer, arresting more pro-democracy protestors and clamping down on the city’s autonomy, a number of commentators from the intersection of urbanism, policy and tech proposed establishing “New Hong Kong” or…

New article: remaking cities after Covid

My article “How to Retrofit Your Neighborhood to Save Urban Civilization” was published at The American Conservative on June 26. It’s about how American cities and towns can redevelop around walking, biking and “15 minute neighborhoods” that are more resilient…